I first came here last year with Candace and I really enjoyed it so every Wednesday Candace and I came to feest but then we stopped coming. Now Candace and I are starting to come more often. I almost always cook corn with corn,onions, garlic, and spices and everybody says it’s delicious. I really enjoy cooking and it is one career that I would consider doing. I also play volleyball so it’s going to be hard to make it to every feest but any Wednesday I don’t have volleyball practice I will come to feest. Every time I go to feest I have an amazing time, we build a community and every body cooks delicious foods. I would like to try and cook different foods but I’m like hooked on the corn I make. Feest is every Wednesday at Youngstown at 3:30 so if anybody has time on Thursday come on down and cook it up with feest!